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Outdoor aging of road asphalt and SBS modified asphalt

Li XIANG, Juan TU, Jian CHENG, Guohe QUE

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2011, Volume 5, Issue 1,   Pages 35-42 doi: 10.1007/s11705-010-0551-4

Abstract: The process of performance degradation of road asphalt (RA) is regarded as aging.At present, better understanding of the thermal-oxidative aging of asphalt is achieved and the correspondingaging (aging in an atmospheric environment, which is referred to as “outdoor aging” in this paper) of asphaltThe outdoor natural ultraviolet (UV) aging of RA and SBS modified asphalt (SBSMA) are investigated in

Keywords: asphalt     SBS     modified road asphalt     outdoor aging     ultraviolet    

Effect of styrene-butadiene-styrene copolymer on the aging resistance of asphalt: An atomistic understanding

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 5,   Pages 1261-1276 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0761-5

Abstract: performance of asphalt, and its mechanism, we explored the aging characteristics of base asphalt andSBS-modified asphalt by reaction force field (ReaxFF) and classical molecular dynamics simulations.The results illustrate that the SBS asphalt is more susceptible to oxidative aging than the base asphaltIn the case of sufficient oxygen, the SBS polymer inhibits the oxidation of asphalt by restraining theCompared with the base asphalt, the SBS asphalt exhibits a higher degree of oxidation at the early stage

Keywords: SBS asphalt     oxidative aging     asphalt hardening     ReaxFF     molecular dynamics    

morphology on high-temperature rheological properties of bitumen modified with styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 3,   Pages 806-819 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0731-y

Abstract: polymer-modified bitumen (PMB) were obtained by subjecting the bitumen modified with styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBSThe effects of the morphology on the rheological properties of SBS-modified bitumen were investigated

Keywords: polymer     bitumen     microstructure     rheology     viscoelasticity    

Linear viscoelastic behavior of asphalt binders and mixtures containing very high percentages of reclaimedasphalt pavement

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 8,   Pages 1211-1227 doi: 10.1007/s11709-023-0983-9

Abstract: study is to correlate the impact of aggregates, if any, on the viscoelastic behavior of rejuvenated asphaltmixtures containing very high amounts of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) (> 50%).In addition to performance grade (PG) testing, extracted and recovered binders from different asphaltThe influence of aggregates on the viscoelastic behavior of asphalt mixtures depends on temperature andThe role of asphalt binders in the behavior of asphalt mixtures is more pronounced at high temperatures

Keywords: RAP     complex modulus     SHStS transformation     rejuvenation     behavior of asphalt binder and mixture    

Effect of different high viscosity modifiers on rheological properties of high viscosity asphalt

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 6,   Pages 1390-1399 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0775-z

Abstract: High viscosity asphalt (HVA) has been a great success as a drainage pavement material.However, the larger porosity of drainage asphalt mixtures weakens the cohesion and adhesion and leadsThe conventional performance results demonstrated SBS + rubber asphalt (SRA-1/2) exhibited excellentThe 60°C dynamic viscosity results indicated TPS + rubber asphalt (TRA) had the excellent adhesion.rubber + asphalt for PG88-22, TRA and SRA-1/2 for PG88-28.

Keywords: high viscosity asphalt     rheological properties     rubber     modifier     viscosity    

Fatigue of asphalt binder, mastic and mixture at low temperature

Dong WANG, Linbing WANG, Guoqing ZHOU

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2012, Volume 6, Issue 2,   Pages 166-175 doi: 10.1007/s11709-012-0157-7

Abstract: The fatigue damage is one of the most common distresses observed on the asphalt concrete pavement.To thoroughly understand the fatigue of asphalt concrete, the behaviors of the major components of asphaltA new experiment method is developed to evaluate the performances of asphalt binder, mastic and fineThe fatigue test results of asphalt binder show that the fatigue performance of asphalt binder is closelyFatigue damage of asphalt concrete is simplified by a damage model.

Keywords: fatigue     asphalt mixture     asphalt binder     mastic     finite element method (FEM)     X-ray tomography    

Effect of carbon black on the dynamic moduli of asphalt mixtures and its master curves

Chuangmin LI, Fanbo NING, Yuanyuan LI

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2019, Volume 13, Issue 4,   Pages 918-925 doi: 10.1007/s11709-019-0526-6

Abstract: of China gives the dynamic moduli ranges of commonly used asphalt mixtures with base asphalt (BA) orstyrene-butadiene-styrene modified asphalt (SBS MA), while the moduli ranges of mixtures with carbonblack modified asphalt (CB MA) are not recommended.(AC-20) was designed with BA, SBS MA, and CB MA, respectively.Both SBS and CB can decrease the temperature sensitivity of asphalt mixture, the SBS MA mixture has the

Keywords: dynamic modulus     carbon black     master curve     modified asphalt     asphalt mixture    

A dimensional analysis on asphalt binder fracture and fatigue cracking

Qian ZHAO, Zhoujing YE

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2018, Volume 12, Issue 2,   Pages 201-206 doi: 10.1007/s11709-017-0402-1

Abstract: Fracture and fatigue cracking in asphalt binder are two of most serious problems for pavement engineersand -integral analysis based on classic fracture mechanics, to evaluate the fracture and fatigue on asphaltIt is discovered that the dimensional analysis could provide a new perspective to analyze the asphalt

Keywords: Dimensional analysis     asphalt     fracture     fatigue cracking    

Hierarchical approach for fatigue cracking performance evaluation in asphalt pavements


Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2017, Volume 11, Issue 3,   Pages 257-269 doi: 10.1007/s11709-017-0410-1

Abstract: In this paper, a hierarchical approach is proposed for the evaluation of fatigue cracking in asphalt

Keywords: fatigue cracking     energy based     crack initiation     mechanistic approach     pavement analysis    

Development and road performance of clear asphalt with high transparency and adhesion

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 2,   Pages 238-255 doi: 10.1007/s11709-022-0898-x

Abstract: Clear asphalt (CA) currently used in light-colored asphalt mixtures (LCAM) exhibits poor transparencyThe properties of the HCA and ordinary CA (OCA) were characterized using conventional asphalt tests,

Keywords: light-colored asphalt pavement     orthogonal test     road performance     spectral reflectance     silane-coupling    

A cumulative damage model for predicting and assessing raveling in asphalt pavement using an energy dissipation

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2024, Volume 18, Issue 6,   Pages 949-962 doi: 10.1007/s11709-024-1074-2

Abstract: Raveling is a common distress of asphalt pavements, defined as the removal of stones from the pavementThe model is able to offer a theoretical foundation for the design and maintenance of anti-raveling asphalt

Keywords: asphalt pavement     raveling     cumulative damage     dissipation energy theory    

Wheel tracking methods to evaluate moisture sensitivity of hot-mix asphalt mixtures

Jie HAN,Harihar Shiwakoti

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2016, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 30-43 doi: 10.1007/s11709-016-0318-1

Abstract: Existing test methods to determine moisture sensitivity in hot-mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures are time consumingThe Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA) and the Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device (HWTD) were used for this research

Keywords: hot-mix asphalt     moisture sensitivity     rutting     wheel tracking test    

extreme gradient boosting in predicting the viscoelastic characteristics of graphene oxide modified asphalt

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2024, Volume 18, Issue 6,   Pages 899-917 doi: 10.1007/s11709-024-1025-y

Abstract: Complex modulus (G*) is one of the important criteria for asphalt classification according toAASHTO M320-10, and is often used to predict the linear viscoelastic behavior of asphalt binders.In addition, phase angle (φ) characterizes the deformation resilience of asphalt and is used tosamples for φ, and these are used to develop the XGB model using nine inputs representing the asphaltThe findings show that XGB is an excellent predictor of G* and φ of GO-modified asphalt

Keywords: complex modulus     phase angle     graphene oxide     asphalt     extreme gradient boosting     machine learning    

A methodology of implementing target mixing ratio for asphalt mixture

Yucheng HUANG, Lun JI, Rui WEN, Ming ZHANG

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2017, Volume 11, Issue 3,   Pages 308-314 doi: 10.1007/s11709-017-0405-y

Abstract: In order to implement the objective mix design of hot mix asphalt adequately during the constructionAn engineering example is used to illustrate the debugging process of asphalt mixture batching & mixingThe results show that the set of methods can not only implement the objective mixing ratio of hot mix asphalt

Keywords: asphalt mixture     target mixing ratio     mix design implementation     batching & mixing plant debugging    

Effect of anisotropic characteristics on the mechanical behavior of asphalt concrete overlay

Lingyun YOU, Zhanping YOU, Kezhen YAN

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2019, Volume 13, Issue 1,   Pages 110-122 doi: 10.1007/s11709-018-0476-4

Abstract: Asphalt concrete (AC) overlays placed over old asphalt pavement have become an alternative to repairing

Keywords: asphalt concrete overlay     anisotropy     temperature gradients     modulus gradients     finite element simulation    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Outdoor aging of road asphalt and SBS modified asphalt

Li XIANG, Juan TU, Jian CHENG, Guohe QUE

Journal Article

Effect of styrene-butadiene-styrene copolymer on the aging resistance of asphalt: An atomistic understanding

Journal Article

morphology on high-temperature rheological properties of bitumen modified with styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS

Journal Article

Linear viscoelastic behavior of asphalt binders and mixtures containing very high percentages of reclaimedasphalt pavement

Journal Article

Effect of different high viscosity modifiers on rheological properties of high viscosity asphalt

Journal Article

Fatigue of asphalt binder, mastic and mixture at low temperature

Dong WANG, Linbing WANG, Guoqing ZHOU

Journal Article

Effect of carbon black on the dynamic moduli of asphalt mixtures and its master curves

Chuangmin LI, Fanbo NING, Yuanyuan LI

Journal Article

A dimensional analysis on asphalt binder fracture and fatigue cracking

Qian ZHAO, Zhoujing YE

Journal Article

Hierarchical approach for fatigue cracking performance evaluation in asphalt pavements


Journal Article

Development and road performance of clear asphalt with high transparency and adhesion

Journal Article

A cumulative damage model for predicting and assessing raveling in asphalt pavement using an energy dissipation

Journal Article

Wheel tracking methods to evaluate moisture sensitivity of hot-mix asphalt mixtures

Jie HAN,Harihar Shiwakoti

Journal Article

extreme gradient boosting in predicting the viscoelastic characteristics of graphene oxide modified asphalt

Journal Article

A methodology of implementing target mixing ratio for asphalt mixture

Yucheng HUANG, Lun JI, Rui WEN, Ming ZHANG

Journal Article

Effect of anisotropic characteristics on the mechanical behavior of asphalt concrete overlay

Lingyun YOU, Zhanping YOU, Kezhen YAN

Journal Article